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Fact table

What is a fact table?

Fact Table stores the metric events(e.g bought an item) . The following columns are required of each fact table:

  1. User ID --- experiment subjects used to join to assignment table
  2. Partition --- date that the event occurred
  3. Fact Values -- Values associated with the event (revenue amount, minutes watched, etc.).

How to create a fact table catalog?

Go to the Metrics section in the left sidebar, select the "Tables", and click on the New Table button. image.png

  • DataSet ID Select from the dropdown list.
  • Table ID Select from the dropdown list. After selecting the Data Set ID, the corresponding optional Table IDs will appear in the dropdown list.
  • Name By default, the Name will automatically populate to match the selected Table ID. You can modify it as needed.
  • Owner By default, the Table creator is set as the owner and cannot be deselected. Additional users can be added from the dropdown list as needed.
  • Table Type Select from the dropdown list. We support assignment table, fact table and user/event properties.
  • Required Select from the dropdown list. After selecting the Data Set ID and Table ID the corresponding options will appear in the dropdown list. image.png After click on Confirm, you will receive a success notification, and the newly created table can be viewed in the "Tables" tab as follow. image.png


*Note: The table under the dataset can only be imported once. If you need to re-import, you can /click on "Archive" (green box) -- Select "Delete" -- create New Table again/ .

The newly created tables will be available for selection in the "Select source table" field when creating Metrics. image.png